Compensable Claims Are State Specific
An injury that meets the statutory qualification standard in a Workers Comp policy. It is the term used when an injured employee is qualified to receive workers compensation benefits. The term compensable also applies to work related illnesses.
Each state generates its own level of compensability. What may be compensable in Texas may not be in Ohio. Workers Compensation rules and laws have a commonality among all states. However, deeming a claim as payable or not is very state-specific.
This may turn on a dime when a State Court of Appeals or Supreme Court hands down a major decision. Workers comp adjusters make the compensability decision within a certain state-prescribed timespan after a thorough and complete investigation.
Once the decision is made on whether a claim is compensable or not, each state has very specific forms to inform all parties involved on the compensability decision. Many insureds require a review of each large claim as to its compensability. The requirement exists especially with a self insured that has a TPA adjusting its claims.
The dictionaries generically define it as entitling one to compensation. The origin of the word comes from the French.
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