Expert Witness Work

Our founder James J Moore remains one of the pre-eminent workers’ compensation consultants on a national basis.  His expert witness work also encompasses liability and medical insurance including work on three major class action lawsuits. 

Many attorneys, carriers, and employers have sought him out to provide expert witness reports; He has provided testimony for cases involving premium audit, ratings, workers compensation Experience Modification Factors, and claims handling.  

James recently presented at the AAIMCO annual conference on the subject of finding sources to use in an expert witness practice.  

James proffered his opinion in one of the largest class-action lawsuits in the southeastern US in 2013.  

His expert witness work has included many Federal Court level cases.  None of his testimony or reports have ever been excluded from the record.

Being an expert witness is a hard row to hoe.  Worker’s Comp remains one of the most individualized areas on which to provide an opinion.  Each state supplies its own rules.  

The National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) and California’s Worker’s Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau (WCIRB) possess very different rules and regulations on how a company is to be rated.  Keeping up with all of these has proved a difficult but rewarding task.

James had to create landmark algorithms to measure some of the data he received to fully statistically analyze the data and write reports that covered the disparate data sets.

Some cases have required his reading of over 30,000 pages of medical information.  He has also generated a report with over 15,000 Excel rows in a major premium dispute action. 

James’s actuarial, claims, IT, premium audit, and liability background has enhanced his expert witness work to cover many facets of the overall insurance industry.

Use the Contact Us button at the top right page if you wish to contact James to assist your company or client during a legal action.  

James has written over 40 Form 26 reports that have been accepted by the courts, including many Federal Judges. 

Expert Witness Work


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