2018 Android Workers Comp Apps – Another Trip Into The Rabbit Hole
My 2018 Android Workers Comp Apps search was performed using a laptop, not a smartphone. The rabbit hole reference, of course, is from Alice in Wonderland(c).

The laptop use made what could be a very difficult smartphone task much easier. The search I used can be found here. Many apps from claimant attorneys appeared in my various searches.
The rules used were the app had to:
- Be free
- Not be a veiled advertisement
- Have at least 10 votes on the ratings – this prevents the app providers from rating themselves highly. – this is a new requirement
- Have at least 3 stars or higher rating – this is a new requirement
- Have some useful function – (that it actually worked)
- Be closely related to Workers Comp
- Appear in the Google Playstore – some websites provide apps that are not in the Playstore. A great marketing idea would be to put them in the Playstore as blatant advertising. Some recommended apps no longer appear in the Playstore.
The Playstore moniker kind of dilutes a business-type app search.
The apps that fit the rules were:
- WC Policy Verification from NCCI – a former app recommendation winner
- NovaMC (Nova Medical Centers) – greatly improved over the last few years
Some of the apps that were reviewed before this year were:
- MyMatrixx Mobile
- EMC Smart Mod
- MyCare Corvel
- Coventry Connect

I did not include the prior 4 apps as they did not have enough ratings.
A few new apps that looked interesting were:
- Road Cash – A way for injured employees to tally and request travel reimbursement- reduce headaches for adjusters?
- Zenjuries – updates everyone involved in WC claims process – goal is to no isolate injured employee – has templates to help inured employee understand the care of their injured body part
Let me have the envelope please, and the winner is…..(hint – it is in orange)
I will cover the winner next week.
The surprise is the lack of good apps – the year is 2018, can we have some apps please? This goes to my lack of technology concerns in the Workers Comp arena for the past 10 years.
The previous app articles are listed below:
Original app search-2014
Follow up article – 2014
All app articles on one page
Next week, I will also cover any Apple Istore apps
All companies mentioned reserve their rightful copy and screen rights. (c)(r)(s)
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