Communication With Workers Comp Medical Providers Save Premiums
Workers Comp medical providers are one of the very critical areas in your Workers Compensation program. Communication with the medical providers in your network is one of the most effective ways to control your Workers Comp costs.
The most important medical providers in your network are not the first-level physicians such as general practitioners. The first-level physicians are still important in treating minor injuries.
The second level which includes surgeons is the best area to save on Workers Compensation costs. The second-level physicians will usually be in charge of the more serious claims and will make decisions on the disability of a more seriously injured worker. The treating second-level physician will also help in controlling the medical costs.
How can your company control the second-level physicians that your employees are referred to for treatment? A working relationship with your first-level physicians so they realize who you wish your employees referred to in case there is a referral to a second-level physician.
How can a surgeon or specialist know what the job tasks are for an employee? I will cover that in one of the next few posts.
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