J&L”s Risk Management Workers Comp Consultants

As Workers Comp Consultants, there are many areas of consulting in which we specialize for our clients. Our premium reduction services center on specialized premium analysis. 

Expert Witness Services

Our founder has reviewed hundreds of files for employers, Third Party Administrators and carriers.  James has testified on numerous files that involve premium audits, premium billings, and adjuster file management. He wrote a landmark report on a recent large class action matter which enabled the file to settle readily.  The class action employer members were able to recover overcharged premiums.  

James has a background that covers actuarial science, IT, claims, premium charges, and proper policy applications.   His background enables him to testify in various Workers Compensation matters.    

Workers Comp Consultants

Premium Analysis Service 

We statistically analyze your premiums and NCCI / state bureau Experience Mod calculations for errors. We also thoroughly review the premium auditor’s computations to verify the accuracy of the yearly premium audit.

Reserve Analysis and Review

J&L’s workers comp consultants will examine your claims reserves to make sure they are in line with industry standards and that files are closed promptly.  

Experience Mod Projections

We often forecast employers’ Experience Mod for up to five years in the future.  We use the time-tested regression analysis methods instead of the usual actuarial projects that are in our opinion not as accurate as possible. 

Physical or Online File Reviews

We can easily review the claims adjuster’s work to ensure proper claims handling, reserving, and subrogation.  We usually score the adjuster’s work using a 100 point scale.  Our claims analyses covers 33 different areas of claims adjusting to thoroughly assess the health of the files. 

Presentation and Employer Training Services

We can provide an award winning workshop from one to four hours in length that is applicable to all states.   The workshops can be altered to the needs of a specific employer or group of employers.  

Self Insurance Services

We analyze your company’s current Workers’ Compensation insurance situation to see if self-insurance is a viable option.  We can help you design or modify your self-insurance program for maximum cost savings.  There are approximately 8 – 10 requirements of employers that wish to be self insured.  We have long term experience in assisting employers that wish to covert to self insurance.  

Self-Insurance Loss Development Factors

J&L will forecast your required spending levels for up to 10 years in the future using current and past data.  We have promulgated Loss Development Factors as part of our services since 1996.  Our company founder James J Moore has a large background in actuarial science.  He possesses a Bachelor’s Degree in Actuarial Science. 

Employer Support Services

We provide various employer ancillary services such as

  • Accident Disaster Plans
  • Medical Treatment Networks – this is a real cost saver that involves little monetary input 
  • Return-to-Work Programs – to keep the files from becoming permanent total by successfully returning the injured worker to gainful employment 
  • First Injury Reporting – a critical part of Workers Compensation savings is reporting an accident as soon as possible.  We will train the employer to how to properly and timely file a first report of injury.  


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