Most Popular Workers Comp Articles For 2011
As this is the first of the year, I decided to post links to our five most popular workers comp articles for 2011 judging from the traffic on the web pages and the newsletter.
We use Blogger for our web stats. The numbers seem to be the most accurate that we have been able to access for measuring the associated web traffic. J&L tried to use other software to follow the website traffic trends. Most fell very short of expectations.
As many bloggers have discovered, the sensationalist headline is the one that seems to generate the most measurable traffic. The other area that makes a difference is, of course, social media mentions such as LinkedIn and Twitter.
The ones below that are directly related to cost savings are #1, #4, and #5. Please read the ones for medical only claims very closely. This is where a claims department can hemorrhage funds if not careful.
Medical Only Claims-The Fuse May Be Lit
Workers Comp To Hit Big Time On The Small Screen
North Carolina Workers Comp Shocker!
The Workers Compensation Best Test For Multi-jurisdictions
Not Reporting Claims To The Carrier -You Can Pay It Now Or Pay 400% Later
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